Sunday, 30 September 2012


My folks at home do speak Kanarese,
Cameras command me to say only "Cheese!"
Teachers expounded the British version-
The American I picked up from hours of television.

Curricula and cartoonists coached me Marathi,
Garbas and grocers bespoke Gujarati;
Hindi I imbued from common vocals,
And Bambaiyya argot was trained on the locals.

School days began with Rabindranath's Bong,
Sunidhi sings Punj now in every other song;
I rote-learnt Shakira's espaƱol Objection,
And Gita instructs in the sacred diction.

Konkani wafts in from the neighbours' lingo,
Tamizh was instilled by collegial jingo;
Travelling revealed to me a number of patois,
And shayaries taught me the jargon of fatwas.

Accuse me of doublespeak, of polyglottony,
Call me a snake with many a prong-
Oh but woe! and behold the irony:
Words fail me in my own mother tongue.

[*My mother tongue is Tulu, which I speak as well as I do the Zulu;]


IceMaiden said...

This was awesome!! :D

Abhishek Rao said...

Thank you, IceMaiden!

anaghaa said...

I lied how apt the title is, Abhishek! :)

Abhishek Rao said...

I hope that was a touchscreen typo :)

The title often takes more thought than the poem itself!

anaghaa said...

Haha yes it was! I liKed the title! :)

I like reading your blog re :)

Abhishek Rao said...

Good to hear! I will continue to write even if two persons like reading what I write :)

anaghaa said...

I need to continue writing, too. It's been a while. You inspire me. :)

Harsh Shah said...

and so the announcements in locals are made in 3 different languages!!