Sunday, 3 March 2013

Special Relativeity

[An acrostic to my guiding star...on completing 27 revolutions around the sun.]

They say you are the star sun, I but a moon -
Hovering about you like a satellite:
Invisible to all in the brilliance of your noon,
Sparkling at night with your reflected light.
Over again, I am told to stop these chases,
Not to follow in your path or your pull,
Eschew your influence on my phases,
'Spin my own orbit' and live my life full.
Frankly I admit, I am not as bright
Or attractive or independent as you are;
Rest assured though, when the time is right,
Your moon shall rise and shine brighter than a star..
Oh! for if I were a star too, I wouldn't be of worth -
Unable to unsettle the tides of the Earth!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Poem and Jerry

Over the last couple days, I attended a writing workshop facilitated by poet, writer, translator and journalist Jerry Pinto at the British Council Library, which is slowly becoming my favourite corner of Bangalore. Much was discussed about poetry and the process to be jotted down in a blog post, so I'll leave you with these pictures and some gems of words of advice from Jeronimo...

Live the scene you write - Day 1

Always ask yourself the question on the whiteboard - Day 2

"I get asked: should I write a book about X or dealing with Y?
My answer
If you want to do it because you want to do it, you should do it.
If you want to do it because you think there's a market for it, you should still do it.
I believe everyone has the right to try. I believe everyone has the right to succeed. And I believe everyone has the right to fail.
But no book gets written because someone wants to do it. Books get written when you commit the words to paper or pixels.
Get on with it."