Sunday 26 February 2012

The Follower

[Tweeting birds are bound to bring some peeping Tom-cats.]

I followed you through all my days,
I followed you each night;
At times when life seemed like a maze,
You were my beacon light.

I read the books that you have read,
I eat where you have dined,
And all the poems that you have writ
Are stored up in my mind.

I partook in your every sorrow,
I revelled in your fun:
I stalked you right to San Francisco,
And your studio in the Mission.

But last I saw, your lover'd left you;
Now you have disappeared.
I cannot live bereft of you!
This is what I have feared -

You've slit your wrist-veins for your lover!
Or, God! Have you stopped eating?
Too concerned is your follower,
Oh, why have you stopped tweeting?